
Friday, December 7, 2012

Burlap Wreath

I've seen so many beautiful burlap wreaths on Pinterest and the blogosphere, and I had to have one. So, as any crafter would do, I made one. Here it is - I present to you my burlap wreath.  

Unfortunately, I don't have step-by-step photo instructions, but it was super easy. I cut burlap into circles and hot-glued them onto a wreath form. I used mod podge to glue scrapbook paper onto a wooden letter I found at Hobby Lobby. I painted the sides of the letter using a sage green acrylic paint. I topped it off with a bow I made from wired ribbon, which I simply tied around the wreath form. And, there you have it! I think it turned out pretty good for my first burlap wreath. It's now hanging on my front door. Let me know what you think! 

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  1. Lizzie,
    I love incorporating burlap into my living room decor and loved it on my mantle for Thanksgiving and on my Holiday front door,too. Your wreath turned out sweet...looks like it was a lot of cutting for all those flowers, wasn't it?
    Happy Holidays....keep on sharing!

  2. PS If you turn off your word verification you will get many more comments.Most people have a hard time deciphering those challenging phrases and opt not to bother. I almost always takes me 2 or 3 attempts. Just a tip I'm passing on from the longtime bloggers.:)

  3. Oh, so pretty! I'm enamored with burlap as well. This is a must-do project!


  4. OMGOODNESS!! I LOVE IT! I have a few burlap wreaths pinned too ;-) Now I'm adding another!! I ESPECIALLY love the chevron paper you used for the G. The whole thing is just gorgeous!

  5. It's SO pretty, Lizzi! I've made one in the past but used squares. Love the look of circles! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Your burlap wreath is BEAUTIFUL! I love it and think you have truly inspired me to just make one! Thanks!
    Happy Holidays to you and yours,

  7. That is absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad I found your project at Inspiration Friday. ;)

  8. Thanks for sharing this charming wreath at my party this week.


  9. Oh, how I love burlap! Your wreath is gorgeous!! I love the letter, too. You did a fabulous job. Thank you so much for sharing again this week at A Bouquet of Talent!! Have a wonderful weekend.


  10. Awesome blog! I'm following you and gave you a shout out!

    Have a great day!


  11. I love this! The texture of the burlap looks great!

  12. I love this. I made burlap stockings and tree skirt last year. I found your blog thru a link u from 4youwithlove blog, where you and I were featured. I thought she had a really fantastic idea, so I am making it a point to visit those blogs she featured and pay it forward by following them. Merry Christmas

  13. Love your wreath. Came over from 4youwithlove where I was featured also. I am following the other blogs as my RAKs. Happy Holidays. Love your chalkboard charger too. Nice lettering.

  14. What a beautiful wreath!! I love it...VERY nice!

  15. Super cute wreath! I found you on 4youwithlove where I was featured too.

  16. What a beautiful wreath! I found your project on 4youwithlove where I was also featured. Happy Holidays!

  17. Love your Burlap Wreath. The two shades of green are the perfect color scheme to make the Burlap pop... Found your post in 4youwithlove blog where I was also featured. Happy Holidays.
